The electronic payments of our customers are made through EUROCOMMERCE with a 256-bit encryption application and with a TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption protocol number. 256-bit encryption means that there are 2^256 possible combinations for encrypting messages from the browser to EUROBANKs’ server. It is considered practically impossible to violate.

The use of encryption in transactions is considered a necessary security tool, because it creates encrypted information, which are decrypted only with secret keys and therefore prevents third parties from stealing information.

The identity of EUROBANK on the internet is certified by an independent certification provider (Trusted Third Party): the company Entrust. All e-banking pages are in a secure electronic environment, as the page address is converted from http: // to https: // and as the characteristic padlock icon appears at the beginning of the address. Access to EUROBANK systems is also protected by firewall technology, which allows the use of certain services and excludes others, as well as prohibits unidentified users from accessing systems and databases with confidential EUROBANK data and information.

Therefore, card details such as the name of the cardholder, the card number, its expiration date, the authentication number of the card imprinted in the space intended for the holder's signature (CVV / VISA or CVC / MC), do not circulate on the Internet freely but are encrypted in TLS 256 bit, providing complete security in the transactions of our customers.

Our company does not keep a record and does not store the card numbers, the (CVV / VISA or CVC / MC) and the expiration dates of our customers' cards.

Also, our website provides, with the use of the electronic services of EUROCOMMERCE, the digital certificate of authenticity of the transactions carried out by our company, and is available for every inspection by our customers.